Sunday, February 03, 2008

Tales of a Disgruntled Dog: Part 2

I think it will be customary for me to begin each week by airing my grievances, and let me tell you, the list is huge this week. Let me begin!
  1. Brian cut my toenails too short...ouch
  2. They changed my food, and my stomach has ached since
  3. It snowed yesterday....(Only bad because they won't let me out to play)
  4. Brian threw a snowball at me
  5. I had to hold "it" for 7 hours on Wednesday
  6. They turned on my enemy, the vacuum, three times
  7. I got stepped on
  8. I can no longer dig at the couch
  9. I was bathed twice, and brushed too many times to count...I am freakin molting...okay
  10. They threw away my favorite sock...and my big bone
As you can see, it has been an extra hard week for me. On a positive note, Tuesday morning they left the scriptures out again. This makes my 3rd time reading the Book of Mormon this year....How many of you can say that. Also, Brian let me help shovel the walks twice. (But he kept me tied to the garage door)

This week looks to be pretty uneventful, although I overheard Brian making kennel reservations for next week. Hopefully I can get them to change their minds. I want to go to St. Louis too. I am really excited for later today because the Browns are having friends over to watch something that they call the Super Bowl...I can't wait to see what food is inside it. Extra attention for me for the rest of the day.

Please send help.......Dobson

1 comment:

Lisa Brown said...

I know how hard it is to cut Derek's nails, and I am wondering if Dobson is better behaved . . .