Sunday, January 20, 2008


Arrggg!!!! For those of you who are clueless, tomorrow is the Official Pirate day. Now it is not my place to explain why the 21st of January gets this title, you will have to ask my brother Kevin, who owns the rights to the story. (I would give you his contact details, but I have fears of men in black suits throwing me into a van and interrogating me with fire hoses and electrodes)

In fact, it may be that my government employed brother has enough clout with his boss (The President) that he was able to declare Pirate Day a National Holiday this year. The skeptic would claim that perhaps it is due to MLK jr, but the informed know better.

So while we are on the topic, it became apparent to me the other day that my family is obsessed with "days". And pirate day is the most confusing of them all. For example, all Thursdays are informal pirate days, where one is allowed to growl and argg for no reason; September 19th is international talk like a pirate day; and the 21st is Pirate Day. It would be interesting to see what would happen when both January 21st and September 19th fall on Thursdays and we are short two pirate themed holidays. (unless of courseonly it so happens to be a leap year and the 29th of February falls on a Thursday)

There is also "random profanity" day, not to be confused with random "profanity day", which happens whenever you let a bad word slip. "Random Profanity" Day for some cosmic reason, also happens to fall on Thursday. (But it may shed a light on the common cliche "sailor's mouth") Now some people believe in coincidence. I am not one of them. Especially when you consider that I worked for a store that was only open on Thursday. But now I am getting off track.

Perhaps the most infamous of days in the Brown family is the dreaded "New Hat" day. This day happens few times in ones life and usually coincides with "Mom just gave me the worst haircut of my life" day. While it has been years since one has been declared, beware the clippers.

For any suggestions on future days, please respond below!!


Anonymous said...

I hate to break it to you, but informal pirate day is Tuesday, not Thursday.

Shannon b said...

I thought Pirate Day was on tuesdays too.
When we first moved here I spotted a man around town wearing an eye-patch 3 tuesdays in a row. It was sooo weird.

Anonymous said...

It's alright, Brian. Confusing regular Pirate's Day (Tuesdays) and Random Profanity Day (Thursdays) just leads to the explanation of every other day of the week at the Brown house ... "Make fun of Brainless Brian" Day. Have a great weekend. Arrghh!

Lisa Brown said...

Brian - you are awesome! What more can I say?

Jordan Reasor said...

This is hysterical (especially as informal pirate day falls on a Tuesday). You remind me strangely, of my father, Uncle Mickey.

Jordan Reasor said...

Yes. If you read my commas correctly, I just called you Uncle Mickey.